More treasures that belonged to my grandfather and his older brother
Here is some information I found on line about these games.
Date: 1893
Short Title: Box Cover: Dissected map, United States.
Publisher: Clayville, N. Y.: Rev. E.J. Clemens
Clemens’ Silent Teacher. Dissected Map of the United States and of Each State in Counties. Manufactured by Rev. E.J. Clemens, Clayville, N.Y. Jigsaw puzzle that uses a Colton Map of the United States. Map is two sided. On top side is a map of the United States. The bottom side is an advertisement for Sherwin Williams.
Looking at the Indian Territories, the Dakotas, the Dominion of Canada seems strange when looking through the pieces of these old maps.
The very first jigsaw puzzles were dissected maps. Map puzzles were made throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and continued to be produced into the 21st. In the United States, G.N. Tackabury, McLoughlin Brothers, Milton Bradley and Parker Brothers were all early mass producers of map puzzles.
The Lotto game is by Mc Loughlin Bros, New York who also printed childrens ABC linen and oil cloth school books.
The back of the box was marked as a gift to my grandpa and his brother by an aunt and uncle
From the person collection of the Gourmet Farm Girl