Salad Ideas with Homemade Dressing…Sam’s Club Demo

This post is for those who expressed interest in my 
salad dressing recipe while shopping and sampling 
at Sam’s Club….I hope you enjoy!

Fresh Fruits and Greens…

 Farm Girl’s House Vinaigrette Salad Dressing
by The Gourmet Farm Girl
6 Tablespoons of Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil; this makes all the difference in taste (see page tab on home page for instructions) or use a quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Blend with 3 Tablespoons quality Balsamic vinegar or one of The Gourmet Farm Girl Infused Vinegars.
2-3 tablespoons of Pure Honey, brown sugar or Sugar substitute (if using substitutes use less or adjust to taste) pinch of sea salt and cracked pepper
Whisk together, store in refrigerator in an airtight container, let warm to room tempature
 and whisk again before serving

Makes 4-5 servings
Double if serving more

Fresh is Best!